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Susan Miller, PhD, LPCS, NCC

(919) 848-2100
308-A West Millbrook Road
State:North Carolina

One Sentence Treatment Philosophy

I believe that counseling a motivated client from a holistic and team approach, utilizing healthy family support, medical support and nutritional therapy, can bring about the cognitive/emotional/behavioral/spiritual changes needed to promote healing and recovery in emotional eating and eating disorders.

Personal Statement of Faith

My personal faith in Christ is the impetus of my mission in the service of healing. I believe that my calling is to share God’s Light with individuals who are hurting, broken and desiring healing. I meet people just where they are, and offer to them Christ’s Light at that place through my clinical skills and spiritual direction if desired. I will not push God on a person, as I believe He does not want to be pushed. My work is to plant the seed, offer grace, strength and Truth. There is so much wounding that has happened to some individuals, that they view God in distorted ways, so I am sensitive to their reception and perception. I work with persons of diverse faiths, and consider it a divine appointment to help each of them on this journey of recovery from a compassionate place, offering them strong clinical strategies along with spiritual direction if desired. I consider it an honor to be a co-laborer with Christ, listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in how I use my skills in developing their treatment plan. I cannot, nor will not, do this work of healing without His Heart. I believe that God’s presence is very clear around us through His Creation, His Word, His Love though the connection of people and through prayer and communion with Him. It has continued to amaze me of His faithfulness with my clients’ healing and His love for them.

Area(s) of Specialty

Attachment Disorders
Family Systems
Marriage and Family
Eating Disorders
Binge Eating
Compulsive Exercise
Compulsive Overeating

Unique Therapies/Offerings

Creative Immersion Retreats and Workshops, Creativity Therapy and Creativity Coaching, Intuitive Soul Painting and Creative Art Journaling workshops, Life Coaching and Entrepreneur Coaching for the Creative person, Career and Life Vision work. Intuitive Soul Art and Yoga Immersion Retreat in Ashville, NC every year; A New BMI Body Mind Intensive; Emotional Eating Groups focusing on Mindfulness; Shame Resilience groups, online/phone coaching.

Current License(s) and/or Certification(s)

License/Certification State or Accrediting Agency
Licensed Professional Counselor SupervisorNorth Carolina


NCC (National Certified Counselor); Certified Creativity Coach; Certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach; CISM – Basic

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