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Rebecca Feere, Professional Certified Christian Life Coach

(226) 387-3796

One Sentence Treatment Philosophy

Helping women find freedom from body shame and disordered eating by embracing their God-given identity.

Personal Statement of Faith

My passion is to help women discover their true value and purpose and embrace the unique beauty of their lives. Starting with the firm foundation of the Word of God, I take a holistic approach to Christian life coaching, helping you identify the root causes of your struggle. Together, we will create and pursue realistic goals that don’t compromise your values. I provide personalized coaching sessions to help my clients overcome their struggles and live a life free of fear, anxiety, and shame.

Area(s) of Specialty

Eating Disorders
Compulsive Exercise

Current License(s) and/or Certification(s)

License/Certification State or Accrediting Agency
Professional Certified Life Coach, ACSTHInternational Coaching Federation


MA in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

Other Info

Online Sessions


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