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Michelle Watson, PhD, LPC

(503) 244-6160

One Sentence Treatment Philosophy

I believe that full healing is possible and am honored to partner with the Trinity—Abba Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit—while walking with those who courageously enter into their process as truth is exchanged for lies and beauty is exchanged for ashes.

Personal Statement of Faith

I believe in the Triune God—-Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit—who create and sustain life. I believe that Jesus Christ is Way, the Truth, and the Life, and because He, the Father and the Spirit are one, in Them we have meaning and find healing. I believe that the Word of God is breathed of the Holy Spirit in it is all we need for life and godliness. I believe that Truth is only found in the living, relational, Triune God, and it is my deepest, most humble privilege to partner with Them to assist in accomplishing Their purposes here on earth.

Area(s) of Specialty

Attachment Disorders
Emotional Eating
Family Systems
Eating Disorders
Binge Eating
Compulsive Exercise

Unique Therapies/Offerings

EMDR, Theophostic Ministry, Sozo, Telehealth Services for Clients in Oregon

Current License(s) and/or Certification(s)

License/Certification State or Accrediting Agency
LPCOregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists
NBCCNational Board of Certified Counselors
EMDREMDR International Association

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