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Jessica-Lauren Newby, MA, RDN, LD, CEDRD, IBCLC


One Sentence Treatment Philosophy

I believe that you have the strength not just to survive, but to thrive!

Short Bio

Jessica-Lauren’s unhealthy obsession with calories and exercise in college led her to complete the very degree which allows her to do the work she’s so passionate about today. She is currently finishing her doctorate at Auburn University where she has been providing nutrition services since 2010; she serves as the dietitian for the Eating Disorder Treatment Team, runs a support group, and mentors dietetic students. Her husband and children are the highlight of her life. She enjoys small group ministry, cooking, eating, reading, running, and snuggling her rescue dog. She craves slow mornings complete with a warm blanket, creamy latte, hot fireplace, Spirit-filled worship music & unlimited time to soak in the Word.

Personal Statement of Faith

I believe in full recovery because I represent it. I believe that God is the ultimate Healer, and He has empowered and equipped us to experience full recovery walking in community with others who have been called and equipped to help us in our Journey. He provided redemption and reconciliation on the cross through Jesus Christ. He comforts, prompts, and guides us through the Holy Spirit. It is my honor and privilege to do this work and watch Him set captives free!

Area(s) of Specialty

Eating Disorders
Binge Eating
Compulsive Exercise
Compulsive Overeating

Ages Treated


Gender(s) Served

Male and Female

Online/Skype Sessions Available


Schools Attended and Degrees Earned

BS, NutritionThe University of Alabama
MA, Health StudiesThe University of Alabama

Current License(s) and/or Certification(s)

License/Certification State or Accrediting Agency
Licensed DietitianAlabama Board of Examiners for Dietitians and Nutritionists
Registered DietitianCommission on Dietetic Registration
International Board Certified Lactation ConsultantInternational Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners
Certified Eating Disorder Registered DietitianInternational Association of Eating Disorder Professionals and the Commission on Dietetic Registration

Testimonials and Endorsements

“I first walked into Jessica-Lauren’s office my sophomore year of college. I expected to receive help with my eating issues and maybe get a meal plan. I never expected that the Lord would use Jessica-Lauren to completely transform the way I see food and exercise, and most importantly, the way I see Christ. Jessica Lauren’s approach to nutrition is that “every food fits”. ALL foods come from the Lord, and not only that, but so do our bodies! Her recovery focus is internal, not external, helping her clients to restore trust in how God made their bodies, and letting Him into new places in their hearts. Jessica-Lauren practices with patience, understanding, and grace, stemming from the grace that God has given to her. She is not afraid to walk through the trenches with her clients or address their difficult heart issues. She is a safe place and points every step of ED recovery back to the Lord. I am so thankful for this mentor, friend, and forever sister in Christ!”


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