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Support Group Submission Form

Thank you for your interest in the Christian Eating Disorders Collaborative Network. Please note that our support group listings are selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Christian emphasis and theological soundness
  2. Balance, excellence and reputation of group
  3. Soundness of curriculum and/or group leadership
  4. Relevance to the subject of eating/body image

If you would like to recommend a group or program for our listings, please fill out the application below. Please allow up to ten business days for an initial response, and note that the full approval process may take a few weeks depending on volume of submissions and necessary review time by our team.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Understand and Agree...



  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


While all contact requests are protected by the strictest confidentiality standards, for your privacy we recommend keeping your note brief and limiting confidential information until you have made a direct connection with the person you are contacting. Also, please note that some contact requests may take a few days to receive a response, depending on the schedule of the person you are contacting. If you or someone you care about are in crisis and need to talk with someone right away, please contact the NEDA hotline at (800) 931-2237 or call 911 if in the US.