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Joy Skarka, MACE, DEdMin


One Sentence Treatment Philosophy

Helping Christian woman find freedom from porn and sexual shame through intimacy with God in online groups and 1:1 coaching.

Personal Statement of Faith

I believe there is one triune God, The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Son of God, came to earth as a man and died to save sinners. I believe that humanity was created in the Image of God, but is fallen and separated from God because of sin. I affirm that all who accept Christ as Lord and Savior are justified by grace through faith because of Him. I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. I affirm that Christians are to teach and live in obedience to biblical truth. The Bible itself speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind and is the final source of all that I believe and teach.

I believe that God created and sanctioned marriage to bring together a man and woman by joining them in a “one-flesh” union (Genesis 2:18-25). Marriage between one man and one woman for life uniquely reflects Christ’s relationship with His Church (Ephesians 5:21-33). Marriage also serves as the foundational unit of a stable society (I Corinthians 7:2). God’s creative intent provides for sexual intimacy only in the context of heterosexual, monogamous, lifelong marriage. I believe that any form of sexual immorality (including adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct, incest, and use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to God (Matthew 15:18-20). Only God’s power enables all persons to grow into increasing freedom from their sin nature. All persons are created in the image of God and must therefore be treated with love and respect. These persons have the freedom to make their own choices.

Area(s) of Specialty


Unique Therapies/Offerings

1:1 Coaching and Online Groups

Current License(s) and/or Certification(s)

License/Certification State or Accrediting Agency
Doctorate in Educational Ministry from Dallas Theological SeminaryDallas Theological Seminary

Other Info

Sign up for a 1:1 Coaching Discovery call at
Explore the Authentic Intimacy member community and Online Book Studies at


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