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Brittany Wilson, RDN, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

(406) 345-3663 Go to Website

One Sentence Treatment Philosophy

My name is Brittany Wilson and I help Christians to eat without restriction, guilt, or feeling emotionally dependent on food by finding your identity in Christ and teaching you how to listen to and care for your body as a Temple of the Holy Spirit.

Personal Statement of Faith

Revelation Nutrition’s core is centered on the Word of God and believes in the divine Trinity of God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus, the Son of God, all which are One. I believe that salvation cannot be earned, but is received through faith in Jesus Christ as my personal savior.

Area(s) of Specialty

Eating Disorders
Binge Eating
General Nutrition

Gender(s) Served


Unique Therapies/Offerings

Christ Centered Approach to Intuitive Eating

Online/Skype Sessions Available


Current License(s) and/or Certification(s)

License/Certification State or Accrediting Agency
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Licensed NutritionistAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics, State of Montana
Certified Revelation Wellness Fitness InstructorRevelation Wellness
Certified Intuitive Eating CounselorThe Original Intuitive Eating Pros

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