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Mina O’Connell, MA, MS, LMFT

(210) 995-8968
4230 Gardendale, Building 601
City:San Antonio

One Sentence Treatment Philosophy

Life is challenging, and hope is found in trusting God with our struggles, relationships, and growth, as we learn how to manage these wisely.

Personal Statement of Faith

I was raised Catholic, and then Jesus saved me through understanding the gospel and being discipled in Campus Crusade for Christ. Dallas Theological Seminary taught me the Bible through the MABS, then study with Drs. Minirth and Meyer, Christian psychiatrists, directed me to Texas Woman’s University for the MS in Marriage and Family Therapy. God freed me from an eating disorder, so I am happy to help others heal from restricting, compulsive overeating, excessive exercise and fasting, and bulimia. I pray over my office each day and ask the Lord to bring those He wants to love and heal through me!

Area(s) of Specialty

Emotional Eating
Family Systems
Marriage and Family
Personality Disorders
Eating Disorders
Binge Eating
Compulsive Exercise
Compulsive Overeating

Unique Therapies/Offerings

Telehealth using VSee

Insurance Accepted

Blue Cross / Blue Shield
Humana – LifeSynch
Integrated Behavioral Health
Magellan Health Services
Value Options

Current License(s) and/or Certification(s)

License/Certification State or Accrediting Agency
Marriage and Family Therapy LMFT 201680TX State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists

Other Info

I have received training in the research-based Gottman approach for improving marriages by helping clients become better friends, manage conflict calmly, and support each others’ hopes and dreams. The Gottman Institute has engaged in research for over 30 years to identify factors that foster healthy, loving relationships. I am approved as a member clinician to offer the Gottman Relationship Checkup. I have also been trained in the Swedish Erica Method of Sand tray Assessment and Treatment.


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